Group Members

I am looking for passionate and highly motivated Ph.D. students to join my group. Please check here: PhD_Opening_OU_Fall2024.pdf.

A PostDoc position is available: PostDoc_Opening_OU_Fall2024.pdf.

Current Members

Current Ph.D. Students
 Ranya Badawi (2020-present)  Zhaodong Zhou (2022-present)
 Ali Irshayyid (2022-present)  Thirumal Siruvole (2023-present)
 Dalitso Kuntambila (2023-present)  Wanqun Yang (2024-present)
Current Master Students
 Steven DeCoste (2023-present)  Cory Ness (2024-present)
Current Undergraduate Students
Current High School Students
 Aaron Sun (2023-present)  Alice Chen (2024-present)

Former Members

Former Master Students
  David Flessner (July 2024; Now with Stellantis)

Master Thesis: Reinforcement Learning-Based Event-Triggered Active Battery Cell Balancing Control for Electric Vehicle Range Extension
  Luke Nuculaj (March 2024; Founded a startup on embedded systems)

Master Thesis: Simultaneous Cell State Estimation via Dense Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter
  Christopher Rother (February 2023; Joined Northrop Grumman)

Master Thesis: Development of A Four-Wheel Steering Scale Vehicle for Autonomous Vehicle Motion Control Evaluation
Former Undergraduate Students
  Sivasakthi Muthukumar (Winter 2024)
  Andrew McGhee (Winter 2024)
  George Trupiano (Winter 2024)
  Luis Gomez (Winter 2024)
  Armela Gjokaj (Fall 2023)

Honor Thesis: Vehicle Parking Space Monitoring System
  Seeyam Chowdhury (Winter 2023)

Honor Thesis: Medication Dispensing System
 Matthew Adams (Summer 2022)
  Steven DeCoste (Winter 2022; Joined General Motors; Co-advised with Prof. Dan DelVescovo)

Honor Thesis: Developing an Algorithm for Minimizing Steady State Engine Testing Time
 Ziwei Zhou (Fall 2021)
 Shan Huang (Fall 2020 & Summer 2021; Continued as MS student at OU)
Graduate students who have done research under my supervision
  • Daorsa Dulaj (M.S. student; Fall 2023)

  • Zhenqi Xu (M.S. student; Fall 2023)

  • Yonggang Wei (M.S. student; Fall 2023)

  • Suryakiran George (Ph.D. student; Fall 2023)

  • Umbreen Kanwal (Ph.D. student; Fall 2022; Co-advised with Prof. Yongsoon Yoon)

  • Vidyasekhar Potluri (Ph.D. student; 05/2021-08/2022)

  • Bing Liu (Ph.D. student; Winter 2021)

Group Photos