Group Members
I am looking for passionate and highly motivated Ph.D. students to join my group. Please send the following directly to me:
- Cover letter to summarize past experience and to explain how you can fit into our project.
- Detailed CV with name and contact information for 3 references.
- Transcripts for both master and undergraduate degrees. Transcripts from outside of US must be evaluated by a current member of NACES such as WES.
- GRE/TOEFL (if applicable).
Current Members
Former Members
Former High School Students |   |
| Aaron Sun (Troy High School; 09/2023-05/2024) |
| Alice Chen (Novi High School; Summer 2024) |
Former Graduate students who have done research under my supervision  |
| Pujitha Venigandla (08/2024-11/2024) |
| Steven DeCoste (01/2023-08/2024) |
| Daorsa Dulaj (Fall 2023) |
| Zhenqi Xu (Fall 2023) |
| Yonggang Wei (Fall 2023) |
| Suryakiran George (Fall 2023) |
| Umbreen Kanwal (Fall 2022; Co-advised with Prof. Yongsoon Yoon) |
| Vidyasekhar Potluri (05/2021-08/2022) |
| Bing Liu (Winter 2021) |
Group Photos